Sunday, 21 August 2016

Getting ready for the RBRR

As always there's outstanding jobs to do on the car, and having worked through the last 4 weekends its now time to attend to some of the jobs.

The main item to attend to was to replace the radiator and hoses, the PO had bodged the radiator fittings, and the only way to remove it had been to undo the radiator to shroud mounts. The bolts for this go into the core, so naturally 2 of the fittings had started to weep.

I had purchase a new aluminium radiator and some silicone hoses

So once the old radiator was out, I started to remove the old shroud bolts to the body - 2 came out - well the captive nut and bolt together, one I had to cut off, and one I couldn't remove, and cutting the bolt head off wasn't a solution, as the captive nut was in a blind box section

I found out the issue - UNC bolts had been fitted into UNF captive nuts. The two that came away with the nuts was simple, as I could get at both sides, new UNF nuts and bolts will suffice.

The remaining remnants of one bolt had lots of thread, as the bolt hadn't been tightened flush, so I filled the screw thread flat and could now fit a UNC nut on the threads, the remaining bolt and fixing was left for now, as I could tilt the shroud to enable easy fitment of the radiator.

However while doing this I notice a problem with the offside engine mount

This again had been replaced by the PO with an after market replacement, and although the photo doesn't show it, there was very little rubber still attached, luckily I had a NOS item, so this was replaced. The nearside mount is fine, so I left this, it gets less load anyway due to the extra steadying mount from the exhaust manifold to the chassis rail.

I then removed my not needed mechanical fuel pump and fitted a blanking plate to the hole - something less to go wrong. The plate was made from a Ford one off a crossflow, slightly cut down to fit the hole - the bolt holes were at the same centres.

That done I replaced the radiator and all the hoses, the bolts from the shroud into the radiator had ptfe tape wrapped round the threads to provide a good seal and hopefully prevent them corroding into place

So now to fix the none working fuel gauge and look for that elusive engine oil leak.

The fuel gauge was simple, just a connector off at the fuel tank

I have now degreased the engine, so once its dried off I shall run it and see if I can identify the location of the leak

The oil leak is from the front of the sump, I know I damaged the sump gasket when I replaced the timing chain and tensioner on the morning of the last RBRR, so its off with the sump next weekend. It can be done with the engine in situ, but its going to be a dirty job with oil dripping on me ...

Something to be looked forward to !

Still there's no more water leaks and the engine runs cooler too, especially at tickover, water temp stays below 90 degrees, so that's an improvement.

So once the sump gasket is done I shall drive it every day too and from work, that should get a good 1000 miles on it before the RBRR, and hopefully prove everything is good.

I am looking to fit some MGF seats too for a little more comfort, and a larger battery now that's located in the boot, there plenty of room for a larger one

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