Sunday, 4 September 2016

Finishing off jobs for the RBRR

I have put a few hundred miles on the car this week, and no oil leaks (can't be a Triumph then!)

I did notice some oil weeping from the sparkplug tubes, so time to replace these with some modern replacements which have replaceable O ring oil seals

I was please to note that all the plugs were a good biscuit brown, despite all the oil on the threads, which was released from the spark plug tube on plug removal - it justifies the rolling road session

It was good to also note that the head is still clean in the oil ways and around the camshaft, since it was last removed when the water pump drive failed.

I also painted my seat runners.


jobs left to do :-

Cure the re booting of the Davis Craig water pump / fan controller - its always done this, and it was a PITA during the last RBRR on the run to the A1 and the M40 on the Sunday in the slow traffic - I am going to build a filter network at work to put in its supply.

I need to check headlamp alignment

Check oil levels in diff and gearbox

drive it more and see if I can break anything

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