The estate unit
If I was a better photographer you could read the measurement on the ruler, its 16cm from spring seat to the top of the cast mount, whereas the stag (and 2000) is 20cm
Any ideas anyone ?
Also I've a pair of new Koni inserts which I bought off ebay which are for sale now.
That job done, I proceeded to finish of the little bits of welding left underneath, boot floor plug welds driver's side.
Rear wheel arch plug welds driver's side
Driver's side sill, with repair panel at rear
Plug weld penetration visible confirming good welds
Rear Sill closing panel finished
So on to the rear hatch and light fittings. Took the rear of the spit off for now, and supported the car on 2 legs off the spit bumper mount.
Fitted the new rear tailgate, unfortunately on inspection its 3 mm or so too far to the right, and there is no adjustment
To fix this I am going to remove the tailgate, and elongate the mounting holes. The captive nuts in this will then allow the required movement. Once this fits well, I will "craft" the replacement lamp housings and panels to fit the tailgate. They were hand crafted by Carbodies in Coventry, and reputedly no two estates are exactly the same anyway.
The tailgate is offset by the same amount in the hatch housing as can be seen here
But otherwise its an acceptable fit, I will play further with this next week and hopefully get the lamp housings inserted too.
Hours worked now 460 - 8 hours today
Thanks for sharing us. welding calgary nw