Sunday, 9 May 2010

Boot Floor Finished and other jobs

Although I have put another 8 hours work into the car today, there's not too much to report of interest, as most of the time was spent in tidying up jobs, more rusty seat belt bolt removal, more grinding back of welds and other stuff which while essential to a good finished result makes for a pretty boring blog report. So onto the good stuff, finished the small section of boot floor plug welds that I couldn't get to, so the boot floor is finished now.

While I was working in the boot, I had removed the spit and supported the car on axle stands, because as well as fitting the spare wheel strap hook I had intended to weld the fuel tank mountings back in place. I have carefully kept these since removal, lying on the boot floor. I found one, but could I find the other - not a chance.

These are the mounts

I hunted everywhere without success, and then had a flash of inspiration - maybe when I rotate the car it had dropped into a box section behind the rear wings. Nothing else for it, but to refit the spit and rotate the car. no luck nothing dropped out, but then by banging on the wings I dislodged it and it fell to the floor. The fuel tank mounts will now have to wait until another day.

I also investigated the Stag rear exhaust mounts shown here

I am going to have to get a rear exhaust section before deciding where to mount these. Interestingly the ribs on the boot floor are the same spacing as a Stag, as the reinforcing plate fits well.

I also finished the welds on the D pillars to the rear wing, after removing the lead, they are not continuous because I cannot get the grinder to the whole length due to the rain channel, but there's plenty of strength, as the pillar is welded on the other side, and in the middle.

As far as the tidying up work is going, I only have to check and perfect the welds below the gutter, and on top of the sills by the doors, so that too is nearly finished. Looks like the car will be ready well in time for Surface Treatments.

Hours worked 541 - 8 today

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