Sunday, 2 August 2009

Battery Box

While I have been away working the battery box panel arrived that I had been waiting for. It was finally supplied by Radford Panels, as I had given up on the other sources not having stock. Originally this came as one piece, being the rear, top and bottom of the battery box. Unfortunately the new panel came without the bottom of the box, so I folded some metal to suit, got busy with the spot welder, and here is the result a finished battery box.

Fitting to the car was simple after I had cut out the radiator support panel to suit.

Although I have spot welded this back in, there are 2 rivets for authenticity, and I will add others after (when) the shell is painted.

The headlamp stiffener panel had to be shortened to suit the stag battery box.

Just oil cooler brackets to fabricate now and the headlamp closing panel can be permanently fitted.

Started to work on the rusty gutters and cut this section out.

Made this panel up to fit - first did the flange - not quite at 90 degrees - more like 70, then used a metal stretcher to curve it to suit.

And here we are fitted in place

and from above

Need to complete the gutter repairs so I can do the roof transplant. I am not sure if I will use the old "trim rail" welded back on to the gutter insert, or if I will make a new one.

That's it for today

1 comment:

  1. Mike,
    I haven't read quite all of the blog yet but am very pleased to have found it. I don't know how much you've found out about your car yet but I know a little of it's history. It was converted for GKN by FF Developments in Coventry...I worked for FFD from 1980 until 2006 (it was bought by Ricardo in 1994). I have the original FFD record card for the car and may even be able to dig out the parts list with a little effort. There are also a few other people still kicking who were at FFD at the time.
    If there's any way in which I may help you I'd be more than happy to. I live in Rugby, where are you?
    Adrian Turner (


Where am I?